
Showing posts from February, 2017

[VIDEO] 8 Reasons Why You Should Use Urine in Your Garden

If you have a garden, you have a few good reasons to relieve yourself in the great outdoors. While your neighbors might not appreciate the sight, peeing in your garden has multiple benefits for your plants and soil! Here are eight convincing reasons why you should pee in your garden: 1. Urine Can Help Deter Animals To keep animals out of your garden, you have to mark your territory. If they smell the scent of your urine, they’ll most likely steer clear. The scent of human urine can keep animals such as cats, foxes and rabbits away from your garden! 2. Urine Acts As Natural Fertilizer Human urine is full of nitrogen. Plants need nitrogen to synthesize amino acids, enzymes, proteins and chlorophyll. Thanks to it’s nitrogen content, human urine is a high-quality fertilizer. A single person’s urine would be enough to fertilize up to one tenth of an acre of vegetables for an entire year! If you use urine as a fertilizer for plants in your garden, dilute it in a 20:1 ratio (20 p

12 Foods That Fight Lupus and Relieve Pain

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body. In people suffering from lupus, something is wrong with the immune system. It is unable to tell the difference between foreign invaders and the body’s healthy tissues. The immune system creates auto-antibodies that end up causing inflammation and pain. People who suffer from lupus experience flares and remissions. There are periods of time when their symptoms worsen and they feel extremely ill. There are other times when their symptoms improve and they feel better. Many scientists believe that lupus develops in response to different factors, including hormones, genetics and the environment. Getting the proper nutrients is important for preventing flare-up’s. If you suffer from lupus, you need plenty of antioxidants in your diet. Whole foods, including probiotics and fiber, can lower your inflammation levels and help increase good bacteria in the gut. These 12 foods help fight lupus symptoms: 1.

Drink This Avocado Green Smoothie for Glowing Skin and Healthy Joints

Every time I think of avocado, all that comes to my mind is healthy fats!  I often compare it to nuts, because these two are essential sources of fats for our diet. The creamy and buttery texture of avocados is full of nutrients, such as: vitamins C, E, K and B6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, lutein and omega-3. This never ending line of nutrients in avocado, keeps your body healthy, by fighting the following diseases: heart problems, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, cancer, depression, indigestion and chronic diseases. Therefore, it would be great to incorporate this amazing fruit into our morning smoothie which will show its nutritious results on the biggest organ in your body- your skin. It is so important to have an elastic and glowing skin, because that is the perfect sign that everything is well with our inner organs and health. However, the four key nutrients in avocado that directly give you a better complexion

Study Suggests: Drinking Tequila Could Help You Lose Weight

You might be a tequila drinker, but chances are you are not a true tequila aficionado (devotee). What’s the difference? Well, anyone can guzzle tequila, but not everyone knows what it takes to make it. Tequila is a regional specific name for a distilled (alcoholic) beverage made from the Agave tequilanan plant, (also known as blue agave plant, agave azul or tequila agave) primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila, 65 km northwest of Guadalajara, and in the highlands of the north western Mexican state of Jalisco.  Did you know that the same plant used to make tequila beverage also produces a sweetener? Indoor cigarette smoke combines with air pollutants to form compounds that might cause cancer and that can linger in the air for decades! A sweetener created from the Agave tequilanan plant,  used to make tequila as well, could lower blood glucose levels of the 26 million Americans who are registered diabetic and other diabetic patients worldwide who have type

Detox and Relieve Constipation with This Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Drink!

If you feel bloated or feel difficulty or gas in your stomach, then maybe your body is telling you that you’re not making the wisest food choices lately and it’s time to make some serious diet changes. Holidays are the time of the year when we are allowed to eat whatever we want and whenever we want to, without feeling guilty or judged by anyone. However, a great amount of food or bad diet choices can overwhelm our stomach and we start feeling without energy and bloated most of the time. How to Detect a Toxicity in the Body? Well, your body will find its way to tell you that something is wrong and that you need to take things into your own hands and do something about it. When you experience some health issues, then you’re probably at need of some serious diet changes, but before you make those changes, it’s best if you cleanse your organism first and then implement a healthy diet and lifestyle. Some of the symptoms which indicate that you must provide a detox of your co

Conditions of the Skin That May Occur with HIV/AIDS

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes weakness in the patient’s ability to fight infections and as a result, they fall prey to a number of diseases including cancer and AIDS. While the person becomes weak in general, certain skin conditions may be the first indication of HIV infection. While a large number of people infected with HIV may develop these medical conditions, it is also very likely that the mere presence of these conditions does not mean that the person is infected with HIV. Some commonly observed skin conditions: Thrush Thrush affects the mouth, where the infection is indicated by the presence of white raised lesions usually on the inner cheeks or tongue but may also occur elsewhere such as on the gums, the back of the throat, the roof of the mouth, tonsils, etc. The infected person could experience pain and slight bleeding on brushing or scraping. It is not uncommon for the infection to spread to other parts of the body, and more so in persons whose immune s

The Best Remedies for Food Poisoning

According to the world Centres for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) reports, every year, about 33 million people suffer from stints of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea in the USA alone. A high percentage of these victims usually end up putting the blame on “Something they ate”. As much as food poisoning may be common, it has very unpleasant afflictions. Food poisoning is generally caused by the consumption of bacterially contaminated food. Some of the commonly known bacteria that can cause food poisoning include: Streptococcus aureus, salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and some E. coli strains like shigella and Clostridium botullium. Food poisoning can also be caused by viruses like the Norwalk agent which cause additional hepatitis A and B symptoms, environmental toxins like the heavy mercury element and toxic poisons produced within food itself like with mushroom and shell fish. Food poisoning can either be catalysed or treated using: Natural Homemade Remedies The

How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically in an Effective Way

If you ever wondered why you should choose vertical way of gardening, there are many benefits that come to mind. It is not a hot trend nowadays for no reason. Vertical gardening will save space in your garden and it will make it look neat and organized. Not only that, but it will also ease the harvesting process for you as a gardener. These benefits can be efficiently incorporated if you are planning to grow cucumbers in your garden. Cucumbers are good to be trained to grow up a trellis, because otherwise they would take much space in your garden. There are many techniques on growing your cucumbers vertically, and we will help you find out the best way to do it. If you didn’t know how to grow them in a vertical way, you will be left with no space for other produce in your garden. They spread out over 12 to 20 square feet if grown in rows or hills. You can save this space by letting the vines expand upwards if you have a good support like a raised structure for the cucumbers

How to Choose a Proper Toothbrush?

Toothbrushes come in various shapes, colors size. Each one of them promises that it can outperform the previous one. Raised bristles, oscillating tufts, angled heads, name it and they have it. However, lab tests haven’t proven that a particular toothbrush cleans better than the other. What matters is how you brush and for how long. Most people brush less than a minute when two or three minutes are required per session. The proper toothbrush? Ideally, the toothbrush’s head must be small to reach all tight areas. Pick one with a long handle for a firm grasp and pick soft bristles with round ends to protect your gums. How often should I change my toothbrush? The toothbrush must be changed before the bristles become splayed and frayed. Old brushes are ineffective and they might have numerous harmful bacteria that can cause infections and diseases. Toothbrushes should be change between three to four months or even more often. People with sicknesses should change them shor