
Showing posts from January, 2017

Exactly How Clean are Your Hands After Washing?

Are you sure that your hands are perfectly clean because you wash them well? It is likely that you do it in a completely wrong way. Effective hand washing is important, since there are pretty dangerous bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, MRSA staph and some viruses like influenza on them. However, what can be defined as a good hand washing? Is it recommended to rub them for at least 30 seconds? Jenny Ag decided to put different types of washing hands under UV light and look in detail which method is most appropriate and leaves least bacteria. Many of us often hastily wash hands with water and shake, but this way of washing leaves a lot of bacteria. The most common are fecal bacteria. This method of washing hands is especially practiced in dirty public toilets or the whole process of washing the hands is avoided, because you feel that you will get more bacteria than you can remove, but in fact, the opposite is the case. It was necessary to wash your hands in tho

Here is What Happens When You Place Apples in Water – The Result Will Amaze You

Once you try this recipe, you will no longer want to prepare anything else, since the cake that we recommend you today, is not only tasty, but also looks great. We chose a fruit cake that is easy to make, and even more delicious, and according to its recipe, you only need apples, flour and a ready- made puff pastry. To prepare this tasty cake, you need: 1 frozen puff pastry, 2 red apples, 1 tablespoon flour 3 tablespoons apricot jam cinnamon, powdered sugar. Here’s how to make this delicious cake: Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware! Source: Good Morning Center

Your Nail Polish Can Damage Your Health

Mail polish for many women is an integral part of their everyday lives and their complete appearance, confidence, style and elegance. However, nail polish, and other products for the care of nails and cuticles can be extremely hazardous to health, and in drastic situations can even cause infertility and cancer. Scientists from Stanford University have warned women to carefully read the content of nail polish and other preparations for nails that contain some harmful substances. They contain numerous toxic chemicals that can leave serious consequences on health. These are: formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate that together make the “poisonous threesome” and exposure to these chemicals can cause a range of health problems, of which the worst are infertility and cancer. Toluene destroys the nervous system It is a solvent that is often used to smear the last layer of the nail, and serves for the pigment not be separated from the bottle. Scientists claim that this

Simple Method to Detect Cancer, Which Only Includes Yogurt and Urine Test

MIT scientists with their work came to another simple method to detect cancer, which only includes yogurt and urine test. Professor Sangeeta Bhatia managed to develop molecules that act as biomarkers in the detection of the colorectal cancer cells. If you drink these molecules with yogurt, they will find their way to the cancer cells, where enzymes dissolve to tiny particles and are deposed from the body through urine, says the “International Business Times”. Earlier methods for the detection of colorectal cancer included the entry of these molecules by injection and the new method removed the invasive part with modifying bacteria in yogurt. Tests are conducted on laboratory mice, while in clinical trials in patients this method would certainly be accepted as an extremely simpler and cheaper way in the discovery of this terrible disease. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), only 40% of people with colorectal cancer had an early diagnosis of this disease du

Why are the Fibers So Important – 5 Health Benefits of Fiber

Fibers are the indigestible part of the food we eat. Fibers are mostly found in plant foods. Regardless of the fact that they are indigestible, fibers have a major impact on our health. They are divided into: Soluble fiber (they dissolve in water and convert into a viscous gel which slows the passage of food through the system)  Insoluble fiber (does not dissolve in water but absorbs it to speed up the digestion and increases the volume of stool) Both types of fiber have their own advantages and applications in the treatment or prevention of various diseases. To get a clear picture about which foods have fiber and to what extent, we made a list with the amount of fiber in a variety of food per cup capacity of 250ml: Foods rich in fiber Fruits (1.1 grams of fiber per cup) Dark-green vegetables (6,4g per cup) Orange vegetables (2,1g) Cooked beans (8,0g) Starchy vegetables such as potatoes (1.7g) Other vegetables (1.1g) Whole grains (5g) Meat (0.2 g) NOTE:

Why You Should Consume Fish Oil and Which Diseases Can Be Cured with Its Consumption

Omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients that are essential for human health as well as vitamins, but for some reason most people ignore this fact.  There are many people who have a deficiency of Omega 3 fats in their diet. This deficiency may adversely affect the physical and mental health. These fats can be divided into several types:  ALA, DHA and EPA fatty acids. DHA and EPA are found in animal sources, but mostly in fish. Fish oil capsules ALA are usually found in the seeds of various plants (walnuts, flax seeds, sesame and pumpkin). ALA is also an essential fatty acid. In the body, it can be converted into DHA and EPA, but the conversion is very inefficient (about 5%). For this reason, it is recommended a diet rich in fatty fish or supplementation of fish oil capsules. Fish oil has been studied for literally hundreds of different problems and diseases. In this article we will specify for what is fish oil proven as effective. Health of the heart This feature of Omega

[VIDEO] She Boiled Egg Shells: After This You Will Never Throw Them Away

A lot of people use the egg and throw the shell. But what are the benefits of the shell? Shells are 90% calcium, which is a mineral that is very important for the bones, muscles, and is able to make the enzyme healthier, but somehow the shell ends in a garbage can each time. The National Institute for Health proved that a shell from an egg is a great way to insert the required amount of calcium in the human body. Just half a teaspoon of egg shells gives you 90% of the daily requirement for calcium. Boil the eggs in water for 10 minutes to ensure that there are no more bacteria living on them. Some people bake them in the oven, but this step is optional. Let the shell cool down. When they have cooled down, grate them or put them in a coffee grinder and convert them into powder. Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware! Source: Good Morning Center

Five Problems That Bananas Solve Better Than Any Medication!

A large amount of natural, soluble fiber and three types of natural sugars that bananas contain make them a fantastic snack that quickly restores energy. In addition to their nutritional value, research shows that this fruit is very effective in eliminating many problems for which many people reach to medication as a solution. Here is which: Bloating and constipation Bananas contain pectin, which speeds up the digestion and stimulates the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition, they act as a probiotic and stimulate the bowel movements. All these factors stimulate digestion and reduce bloating, and the banana fibers act as a natural laxative in cases of constipation. Stress They call it a disease of the modern times because it constantly has a huge impact on the overall health. One of the problems that are caused by stress is diarrhea, primarily due to the reduction of the potassium levels in the body. The balance can be established by eat

10 Healthy Human Foods That You Can Feed Your Dog

Being a dog owner, one question definitely strikes the mind: “Which people foods are safe for dogs?” Well, humans and dogs can share several common foods that are nutritionally dense and help fight disease, boost energy and maintain overall good health. But keep in mind, serving too much of these foods is not recommended, as it can make your dog ill or overweight. Always introduce human foods to your four-legged friend gradually and in proper proportions. Also, check with your veterinarian if your dog has any dietary or health concerns. Here are the top 10 healthy human foods that you can feed your dog. 1. Yogurt Plain yogurt makes a great pet food. It is a great source of calcium, protein, zinc and probiotics. Including it in your dog’s diet will help alleviate problems like diarrhea, infections, inflamed bowels, bacterial overgrowth or other absorption issues. Plus, it is relatively inexpensive and readily available in almost every supermarket. The amount o

“Buddha’s Hand” – This Unusual Ancient Fruit Reduces Pain, Boost the Immune System and More…

Pain relief The fruit has been used as a remedy for pain for millennia. It contains special compounds such as coumarin, limonin and diosmin. Besides its anti-inflammatory properties, Buddha’s hand can relieve swelling and pain from injuries and simple bruises as well, and is believed to accelerate wound healing and reducing the discoloration of bruises. Gastrointestinal problems If you’re suffering from any kind of digestive problem, Buddha’s hand can soothe it in just a short time. It can also relieve inflammation in the stomach lining and soothe the intestinal muscles so that the digestive process can occur naturally. Menstrual discomfort Buddha’s hand can relieve the symptoms of menstruation and ease the process thanks to its anti-inflammatory nature and its antioxidant properties. Immune health Buddha’s hand contains a specific polysaccharide that can stimulate macrophage activity and speed up the efficiency of the immune system. Although it is mostly used as a preven