
Showing posts from August, 2015

8 Natural Remedies For That Annoying Sinusitis!

Air conditioners, temperature changes, wind and allergies cause unpleasant sinus problems and irritating infections. Sinusitis often shows similar symptoms as cold, but they last longer. If you have the same symptoms for more than two weeks, then you probably have an infection. If you do not treat it on time, the problems can last from three weeks to three years. Strictly follow the therapy prescribed by your doctor, and you can also help yourself using some natural remedies, that will help you prevent or relieve this condition. There are certain natural products that can relieve or completely cure sinus infection. Give them a try! Ginger is known for its ability to prevent and relieve headache, and it is also an effective anti-inflammatory remedy that relieves pain. Grapefruit seed extract is an excellent remedy for sinus infection, and it can cure the infection in just two weeks. Do not take the extract on an empty stomach, especially early in the morning. Apple cide

That Ice Cube You have Just Put in Your Glass Could be a Nest For Bacteria! Study Shows

According to a research conducted by a team of scientists focused on the ice in McDonald’s , Burger King , Starbucks and other catering companies in Great Britain, 60% of the ice in restaurants contains more germs than toilet water. Even though none of the samples found showed a direct threat to health, still such amount of germs in restaurants can be considered as a risk when it comes to hygiene, informs the British Government Laboratory . Samples from McDonald’s and Burger King suggest poor hygiene of ice machines, and the bacteria level is more than double of what scientists expected to find in the drinking water. Some of the companies asked to see the results in order to go through their hygiene procedures, while two companies opposed the findings. At the end, scientists concluded that toilets are cleaned more often than ice machines. Source: Health Care Above All

Forget That Pain Reliever For Your Headache! This Spice is Way Better!

Basil is a herb with pleasant smell and taste. It is used in salads, and also in various dishes and delicious specialties. It is used in food, but it is also used to produce aromatic oil. Green basil leaves contain over 100 biologically useful substances, which are amazingly healthy for the human body. Basil is a real treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, oligoelements. Few people know that basil essential oil relieves headache. Inhalation of basil essential oil itself relieves tension and headache, similar to the effect a walk in fresh air has. Moreover, this scent improves concentration and stamina. Preparation: Add 4 drops of basil essential oil in the water of your aroma – therapy lamp. Let it burn not more than an hour, otherwise the smell can bring headache back again. Source: Health Care Above All

Health Benefits of Eating Durian!

Unless you are particularly adventurous in your eating habits or you have spent an extensive amount of time in Southeast Asia, you probably have not tried durian. This pungent fruit brings up strong feelings in people: people either love durian or they hate it. It can be a developed taste, but there are many benefits of adding durian to your diet. What is Durian? Durian is a large fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. The outside is covered in broad spikes, which may be an indication of what is waiting for you when you crack the fruit open. There are many types of durian that you can try. Some varieties are more creamy, while others are more sweet, and still others have a more bitter flavor. However, they all have something in common: they are very stinky to those who have not developed a tolerance for the smell of durian. If you can get over the smell of this fruit, you can enjoy one of the greatest health secrets of Southeast Asia. Keep reading to learn eight reasons

Beans are Healthy, But Overdoing Them Could Also be Harmful to Your Health! Read More!

This might be shocking to you, but certain types of beans can be quite poisonous. Did you know that red beans were legally prohibited from being imported into South Africa because of “their potential toxicity to humans” ? The main cause is a toxin called ‘phytohaemagglutinin’ or kidney bean lectin. This is a sugar based protein (glycoprotein) which is found in many types of beans such as cannellini beans. However, red kidney beans contain the highest concentrations of this toxin. It only takes a few beans to cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains.  Kidney beans, black beans and navy beans are high in oligosaccharides . Our bodies can not produce the enzyme necessary to break down these complex sugars. When we eat beans, the oligosaccharides ferment in the lower intestine producing carbon dioxide and methane gases. Antinutrients in Beans and Legumes  Legumes contain relatively high concentrations of lectins. Lectins are proteins produced by most plants as a natur

These 5 Things You've Done in the Last Hour Could Be Harmful to Your Health!

Your working day has begun. You did several habits which seem harmless but in fact they bring negative effects to your health. Read this article and see how many of the following mistakes you are doing every day. Take a very careful look in order to embrace and quit these bad habits. 1. You Have Touched Your Face People simply cannot stop touching their faces. Statistically speaking, in just 1 hour, a person touches their face 4 times. You have been asking yourselves what is the problem? Well, public areas are full of bacteria. By touching your face you are increasing the risk of getting some disease or emergence of some skin growths. 2. You Have Been Sitting All Day Sitting for many hours increases the risk of getting diabetes, obesity, all kinds of back problems and cardiovascular diseases. In order to stop or reduce the symptoms of the above problems you should stand up every 30 minutes or so and straighten your legs on every hour or so. 3. You Have Been Eating Sn

7 Surprising Health Benefits You Get From a Cat's Purrs

People are constantly talking about the blessings in our lives brought by pets. Cats’ purring is one of the leading methods of treatment these graceful animals apply on their owners. It Reduces Stress Vibrations, which are generated during the cat’s purring, have sedative-like effect onto human’s nervous system. This way the tension and stress we often feel when returning from work is being reduced. Purring Diagnose Doctors around the world are more aware of cats’ “powers”. Namely, after a series of studies, the doctors came to conclusion that cats’ purring varies from moments of enjoyment to warning people about a particular disease. Also, there has been proven study on cats’ purring type. Doctors claim the purring is different depending on the disease. Reduces Blood Pressure Regulating blood pressure is yet another thing cats are able to do. We do not say cats can replace medicaments, but they can surely affect your health in the most positive way. Purring Streng

Stuffy Nose Anybody? The Solution Could be Found Right in Your Kitchen!

Stuffy nose is one of the most annoying things you can come across during cold seasons. That is actually the thing which makes us hate it. However, it can be easily treated with ingredients which you have in your household. Apple cider vinegar Put 3 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl of hot water. Place your head above the bowl and cover it with a towel. Inhale the steam until the water cools. Marshmallow root This procedure is the same as with the apple cider vinegar. Put marshmallow root pieces in a bowl of hot water and you know the rest. Salty water Put one tablespoon of salt in half a liter of previously warmed water. Use syringe or any other thing that can help you to easily insert some of the water in one of your nostrils. Next, try to remove the water through your other nostril. This method is great for dealing with stuffy nose but it can also help you in case you have damaged mucosa. Horseradish Make a mixture using ground horseradish and a table

What are the Health Risks For Jobs That Include a Lot of Sitting?

Living this fast life, with everything depending on technology we are trapped in the world of computers and their everyday use. However, working on the computer all day long until the late hours is a serious threat for the health. Sitting too long damages the spine , causes heart diseases , different types of cancer , type 2 diabetes , high cholesterol , slow blood circulation and obesity . Statistics say that nearly 80% of the Americans use the Internet every day for hours. There’s at least one computer in 90% of every home. According to researches, the number of Internet users rises for about 10 millions yearly. 40% of the patients suffer from back problems, says a health specialist. It is all as a result of spending long hours on the computer while sitting improperly. Most of the people who suffer from these problems are people whose jobs require working on the computer more than 8 hours a day. Children younger than 18 are more and more frequently affected by

Here's 20 Reasons You'll Love Lemons Even More!

It’s tart. It’s refreshing. It’s tasty and even a little bit sweet. There’s just something about lemons that is so delicious. However, it’s more than just tasty; lemons provide a ton of benefits for your health, your well being and even for your house. Here’s a look at 20 different ways that lemons can be used that will completely change your life: 1. It lowers blood pressure. Lemons are high in potassium, which is known for its ability to control blood pressure. 2. It keeps the fridge fresh. Fill a small bowl with lemon juice and put it into the fridge. The juice will absorb any foul odors, keeping things smelling great and keeping your food fresh. 3. Keeps cauliflower white. When you cook cauliflower, it has the tendency to turn brown. Squeeze a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice onto it before cooking and it won’t turn brown. 4. It eases depression and stress. Just suck the juice out of a fresh lemon and you’ll almost instantly feel better when you’re stressed out or anx

Those Fruit and Veggie Peels You Thought as Trash Could be More Useful Than You Think!

Growing up, you’ve always heard people telling you to eat your fruits and vegetables, but people rarely tell you to make full use of them. Even IF they told you that, would you even know what they meant? You probably didn’t know that there were at least 19 ways you can make use of your leftover food peels for home care, cooking, and beauty. Before doing so however, make sure that your produce is organic and washed thoroughly. The benefits of food peels are pretty much useless if they have a whole bunch of pesticides! Without further delay, let’s start with your home and how food peels can improve it. 1. Release the grease. Grease is one of the most annoying substances to get off any surface. Sometimes, you wash dishes two or three times and still feel the grease on them. Instead of pulling out the toxic chemical laden cleaning gear, save your juiced lemon halves. As an abrasive, sprinkle salt or baking soda on whatever greasy surface you’re tackling and rub the grease

This Easy-To-Prepare Delicious Drink Will Erase Weight Real Fast!

Strawberry water is an extremely tasty, healthy and refreshing beverage that showed to be excellent in the fight against excess weight. Drinking lots of fluids is extremely important for your entire body and your overall health as well, but sometimes regular water is simply boring. This is why we often want to drink something different, a beverage with any kind of flavor and characteristic taste. Strawberry water is great ally in the fight against excess weight. It is also healthy and aromatic substitute for commercial drinks we love to consume. Instead of drinking your favorite nonalcoholic drink, drink strawberry water. This way you will gain this beverage’s benefits, which are efficient weight loss and fewer calorie intakes. Strawberry water will balance your appetite. Usually, when you are dehydrated, or more accurately, when you are thirsty, you often feel hunger. This refreshing beverage will hydrate your body, which means you will feel full until the next meal. B

Is It True That This 'Grass' Makes Our Bones Even Stronger? This Study Confirms!

A marijuana chemical known as cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) helps fractures heal faster and even make the bones stronger than they were before, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University and published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research . CBD has no psychotropic effects. Bones contain cannabinoid receptors The researchers inflicted mild femoral fractures on rats, then injected some of them with CBD, and others with CBD plus tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the ingredient that causes the marijuana high). They then evaluated the healing of the rats, comparing them with rats who had not received any marijuana chemicals. The researchers found that rats injected with CBD had the same effect whether or not it was accompanied by THC. The study supported the same team's prior findings that the body contains receptors that respond to cannabinoid compounds, and that these receptors are not confined to the brain. The p