
Showing posts from December, 2015

Start an Effective Cleansing Diet With This Juice Recipe

You know when two things come together, and it’s just magic? That’s ginger and pineapple. Such a beautiful marriage! This cleansing juice is equally delicious and satisfying. Enjoy! Ingredients: ¾ cup fresh pineapple 3 cups baby spinach 1 Tbsp. fresh ginger 1 medium cucumber Instructions: Add all ingredients into a juicer and juice. Source:

How to Make a Detoxifying Green Tea Lemonade

Some believe that green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. Clean water and a glass of green juice would place ahead in a race, but green tea is definitely up there, full of health benefits that when paired with a healthy diet and lifestyle, may promote a long and healthy life. Green tea is good, but you can still embellish it and make it better. The believed benefits of green tea are vast, some of which include increasing brain function, burning fat, improving physical performance, lowering the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, infections and heart disease. Sounds great, right? You want to start drinking more green tea – or perhaps iced green tea during the summer. But how can you make green tea even lighter, more refreshing and even more healthy? By making green tea lemonade. By adding ginger, you add the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal disease-fighting magical benefits of ginger. Adding a slight bit of honey doesn’t only give yo

9 Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

Delicious foods that help you diet? It sounds too good to be true. No doubt: Weight loss comes down to simple math. You have to eat fewer calories than you burn. "Certain foods can help you shed body weight," says Heather Mangieri, RD , a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , "because they help you feel full longer and help curb cravings." Some even kick up your metabolism. So take this list when you go to the supermarket: 1. Beans Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more. 2. Soup Start a meal with a cup of soup, and you may end up eating less. It doesn’t matter if the soup is chunky or pureed, as long as it's broth-based. You want to keep the soup to 100 to 150 calories a serving. So skip the dollops of cream and butter. 3. Dark Chocolate Want to enjoy chocolat

Beat the Holiday Bloat With These Smart Strategies!

For many of us, the holiday season means more parties, more family meals and sometimes, a lot of extra calories. According to studies, the average American gains about one pound between from fall to winter. It may not sound like much, but this pound often accumulates year after year. If you’re wondering why your weight jumped 10 pounds in a decade, this may be part of the reason. Here are 5 strategies to help keep weight in check this holiday season: 1. Think before you drink Take it easy on your drink. What you drink is just as important as what you eat – especially around the holidays when a cup of hot chocolate or eggnog can cost you nearly 300 calories. Whether you’re out Christmas shopping or at a New Year’s party, calorie-free and lighter beverages should be your first choice. Instead of a mocha frappuccino (about 410 for a 16-oz) consider a 12-oz skim latte (about 100 calories) or hot tea (no calories – if you keep it unsweetened). Another big weight gain culprit?

Fight the Holiday Bloat With This Common ROOT!

Ginger isn't just for cookies this time of year—it can also prevent you from packing on pounds, says new research from the European Journal of Nutrition . Holiday arrives, weight gain comes... Researchers found that women who consumed dried ginger daily for 12 weeks significantly lowered their body mass indexes, compared with a placebo group. For that, credit ginger's ability to reduce insulin, the body's fat-storing hormone. Previous studies showed ginger also curbs hunger. Both fresh and dried varieties will do the trick, but for max flavor, fresh is best. This root is the solution to weight gainers this holiday season! Harness the fat-fighting power of ginger: Peel or grate some into a mug, add lemon, and fill with boiling water. Source: Prevention

A RECIPE That is Miles Ahead of Today's Medicine. Find Out What It Is!

This natural health bomb will make you never walk into a pharmacy again. It is the perfect remedy for flu and colds, as it is extremely great for boosting your immunity. Stay away from these and drink this instead... Ingredients: 1 middle-sized ginger root (about 4-5 inches) 2 lemons 17.5 oz / 500 grams raw honey Method of preparation: Wash the lemons well and chop them, peel and slice the ginger, and put these ingredients in a clean glass jar of 1 liter. Next, add the honey, but leave some space at the top. Then, leave the mixture to sit for a day, in order to let the lemon and the ginger release their juices. The next day, store the mixture in a jar, close it and keep it in the fridge for 1-2 months. After this time, the mixture will turn into a jelly. You can optionally use some warm water to dilute it. Use: Adults should take 2 tablespoons, and children 1-2 teaspoons of this amazing remedy a day. Source: Be Extra Healthy Now

What DIET SODA Can Truly Do To You? It Could Be Worse Than You Think!

It’s those darn bubbles. So sparkly, crisp, excitable and delicious. You probably had a love-hate relationship with diet soda for years. It’s absolutely horrific for yout health… SO BAD. Yet, occasionally, you still find myself pining to crack open a cold can. You need to STOP now! But first, it’s time to take a long hard look at what diet soda has been doing to your mind, body and spirit. Don't be fooled by the "diet" label. The harsh chemicals contained in these drinks, particularly aspartame, have been associated with depression, behavioral issues and neurological disturbances. Aspartame has also been linked to: Seizures Headaches/Migraines Dizziness Numbness Fatigue Memory Loss Joint Pain Vision Problems Irritability Anxiety Attacks Sleep Problems Abdominal Pains   There is NO doubt… drinking artificially-sweetened beverages has absolutely ZERO health benefits and mega health risks. It’s time to give up the diet soda once and for

Meet Your Vitamin B6 Needs With These Delicious Treats!

Vitamins, minerals and nutrients are what make your body “go ‘round.” It is uber important to have a proper intake of these elements in your daily diet. Vitamin B6 in particular is a powerhouse in regards to your health, wellness and overall energy levels. This substance is essential for your overall health. Let’s take a look at what vitamin B6 is all about… WHAT is Vitamin B6? Also known as pyridoxine Helps metabolize carbohydrates to be used as fuel Produces red blood cells Maintains healthy nerves and brain cells Helps detoxify the liver Suppresses inflammation WHY Do You Need Vitamin B6? When you are deficient in vitamin B6, it can result in: Depression Confusion Anemia Skin inflammation Convulsions Increase your risk of heart attack HOW To Get Vitamin B6 1. Bananas They are loaded with vitamin B6, which help convert carbohydrates into fuel. A 100 gram medium size banana yields 18% of your daily B6 needs. They are also an e

When Antibiotics Do More Harm Than Good, Turn Yourself To THIS Better Alternative!

Antibiotics are a multi-billion dollar industry and are one of the most common prescriptions for illness and infection. But, as of recently, it’s now becoming apparent that they are actually causing more harm than good. You might as well put honey in your medicine cabinet. Over 2 million people each year contract antibiotic-resistant infections, reported a 2013 study by the CDC. Roughly 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of antibiotic-resistant infections. The Mayo Clinic states that these 8 most common viral infections gain no benefit from the use of antibiotics: Cold Flu (influenza) Bronchitis Coughs Sinus infections Ear infections Sore throats Stomach flu With the rise of superbugs (bacteria that are antibiotic-resistant), researchers and scientists are starting to look for more simple solutions, especially since the recent discoveries about antibiotics. To this day, raw honey has proven to be one of the BEST natural antibiotics. Raw honey is

Tired of Medicines That Don't Work? Include These 4 FOOD in Your Diet!

Food! That’s right – your medicine cabinet should have food. By eating nutritious, organic whole foods, you can work to practice natural, preventative medicine every day. There are 4 particular natural medicinal foods that fit best into this description – they’ve will be essentials in your life and are major staples in diet. Do you want to know what they are? Here are the 4 most powerful medicinal foods to keep in your kitchen – and your diet – at all times. 1. Apples An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You’ve likely heard this all too common statement. And guess what? It may actually be true! These deliciously sweet fruits: Are excellent for neurological disorders Reduce your risk of stroke May help prevent dementia Reduce your risk of diabetes Lower bad cholesterol You can eat apples raw as they are or you can add them to your fruit salads or green salads. Apples are a nice addition to your green juices and green smoothies as well. And yes, they are g