
Showing posts from April, 2016

5 of the World's Unhealthiest Foods and What to Replace Them With

We usually like to focus on the positive foods we can nourish our bodies with. However, there are a handful foods which do deserve a special mention about why we shouldn’t be eating them. Sure, we know these foods aren’t good for our health, but do you know why they are unhealthy and what we can eat instead? Whilst it doesn’t hurt to have a little treat from time to time, here’s top 5 unhealthy food picks to avoid whenever you can. (And some healthy food swaps you can choose instead!) #1: Colored Candies & Jellies If ‘nutrition’ is used to define food that gives our bodies nutrients, then candies may very well belong to a category of ‘anti-nutrition’.... They cause our bodies harm rather than providing any nutrients. Despite being a concentrated source of processed sugar that can spike blood sugar levels, cause mood swings and drive weight gain, these treats are also filled with artificial colors and flavors. Many of these chemical additives are known to cause behavio

Healthier Pasta Options You Can Enjoy

Pasta has topped the list when it comes to the world’s most versatile food. It is cheap, convenient, and tasty. Kids love pasta, and it’s a fast, easy meal to whip up. Whilst it’s easy and delicious, pasta tends to cause digestive troubles for many people. But what if it didn’t need to be that way? What if pasta could actually be healthy and easy to digest? Read on and find out how! How Has Pasta Changed Over The Years? Have you ever been to Italy, eaten a lot of pasta, and noticed that you feel fine? However, when you return home, you notice that when you eat pasta you instantly bloat? This has a lot to do with the type of grain that is used, and how the pasta has been made.  Traditional Sicilian pasta is made from locally grown durum wheat, which contains the nutrient-rich germ and bran. These authentic versions of pasta are hand-made and eaten fresh the same day. Other other hand, Western society commonly uses hybridized wheat that is far higher in gluten than tradi

Your Favorite Cereal Brands That Could Be Loaded With Ridiculous Amounts Of Sugar

Sugar. It is finally being recognized worldwide as one of the great contributors of disease. So we decided to investigate 3 common breakfast cereals and the sugars they contain. Cereal, aka breakfast in a box. Fast, cheap and a staple in many households, it is perceived to help fuel our day. But did you know that some breakfast cereals are so high in refined sugars that, well, you may as well just eat the box? Breakfast is recognized to be the most important meal of the day. It is said to break-the-fast of our overnight rest from food. Being the most important meal of the day, breakfast should contain a healthy amount of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. A breakfast lacking good fats and proteins, and one that is carbohydrate loaded, can result in the following: A spike in blood sugars, which then leads to a drop in blood sugars, (Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance!) Hunger not long after you’ve eaten, Cravings for more sugars shortly after, Low moods, Hypo

Here's A Smart Reason To Eat More CHOCOLATE

Chocolate may not be the most traditional example of brain food, but new research is proving that your love for the sweet snack could also be improving your memory and general brain health. The new study, published in the journal Appetite , analyzed data from the sixth Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study , in which approximately 1,000 participants between the ages of 23 and 98 submitted information about their nutrition, diet, risks of cardiovascular diseases, and overall cognitive function. After compiling the data, researchers discovered that eating more chocolate was directly correlated with increased cognitive function. From improved memory to increased altertness, the people who indulged in chocolate saw the benefits immediately. The study, however, did not differentiate between the different types of chocolate (milk, white, or dark), but most participants overwhelmingly preferred dark chocolate, which has up to 70 percent cocoa. While the study did follow the number of ti

Top 5 Foods To Fix Digestion Problems

Many are currently suffering from digestive diseases, including celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and lactose intolerance, as well as general gassiness and bloating. Leaky gut syndrome is another common digestive disorder that occurs when the digestive tract becomes damaged, allowing proteins like gluten, bad bacteria, and undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream. Over time, these particles cause inflammation, an immune reaction, and continued poor digestion. But no matter what the specific condition, it's safe to say that there are a lot of people feeling uncomfortable each time they eat—and looking for a quick solution! Singling out the root cause of all those tummy troubles can be difficult, but it's likely that for most of us, our diets and lifestyles are to blame. The typical Western diet, heavy in refined carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and low-quality protein sources—with very little in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables—can wreak havoc

Your Produce Could Be Not as Clean as Advertised. Find Out What It Is

After five years of topping the list, apples have officially been dethroned as the Environmental Working Group 's most pesticide-loaded produce, and there's a new fruit that tops the organization's "Dirty Dozen" list: the strawberry.  According to the EWG's 2016 list, which uses data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration (USDA), the strawberry is the most contaminated produce on grocery store shelves, and the once seasonal fruit has easily made the top mark for the first time. In total, the scientists found that 98 percent of samples of strawberries contained at least one pesticide, and one sample even contained 17 different varieties. According to the report, the sudden move of strawberries to the top of the list can be attributed to the growers' desire to make the once-seasonal fruit available year-round. With that change in growing came the increase in pesticides. They're not alone. These are the 12

Top Foods To Eat When You Catch A Cold

You have done everything imaginable to avoid getting your yearly cold, but somehow, you still managed to catch one. Most of us know the old wive’s tale: “Starve a fever, feed a cold.” When you are sick, your body actually needs more calories so that it can function normally and return to a healthier condition sooner. Your body needs “fuel” so that your immune system can function and fight off the nasty virus that has intruded your body. When you are sick, food may be the last thing on your mind, but it is important to stay nourished and well hydrated. It is best to eat small portions when your body determines that you are actually hungry. Here are some of the best foods to eat when you are fighting a cold: Broth-Based Soups. Chicken noodle soup is actually good for helping soothe a cold. Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine. Cysteine helps thin mucus in your lungs. The hot broth of the soup helps to keep your nasal passages moist, prevent dehydration and also fi

How to Prepare This Delicious Veggie Broth For Healthy Digestion, Detoxification, Immunity and Many More!

Have you ever felt so FULL and bloated that all you wanted to do was just stick a pin in it and pop yourself? Eating a “standard American diet” can definitely leave your pants feeling a bit too tight around your middle. Your body is busy at work every day digesting and breaking down the food that you eat. This takes a lot of energy and effort on your body’s behalf! Therefore, you need to give your body a proper break from time to time to allow it to rest and become rejuvenated. Instead of eating a “normal” meal, you can give your body a chance to recharge while still giving it nutrition by making a delicious detox veggie broth. With a robust list of good-for-you veggies and herbs, this broth can be made in bulk and frozen, making it a convenient go-to meal alternative when you are looking for something lite and healthy. Benefits Of Detox Veggie Broth Carrot Good source of antioxidants Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, K, B8, pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, ir

Energize Your Mornings With This Energy Juice

Mornings. They happen. And unless you are some magical person that never gets a “case of the Mondays…” you could use a little swift kick in the gut to get your morning rockin’ n rollin’. This bright and sunshiny juice is designed to give you that much needed BURST of life and energy! Benefits Of BURSTING With Energy Juice Pineapple Loaded with fiber, which will helps you feel fuller, longer Health benefits of eating pineapple include: Lowered blood pressure Stronger bones and teeth Reinforced immunity Regular bowel movements Apple Extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber Help reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes Helps boost your immune system Can help with weight loss Kale One of the most nutrient dense foods Can help lower cholesterol Great source of vitamin K Packed with antioxidants Has anti-inflammatory properties Orange Excellent source of the antioxidan