
Showing posts from June, 2015

Is Tomato Ketchup Really Healthy? Or Advertisements Just Deceive You? READ ON

Nearly every burger consumed all around the world comes with your standard lettuce, tomato, onion and ketchup. Sure, there's the gourmet burgers out there now that have that added extra of house-made sauces, specialty spreads and heavens knows what else, right?! Condiments are hidden calories that can definitely add up over time. However, when looking at total calorie content, ketchup and mustard are still very low on the totem pole. While mustard is still the lowest calorie option, ketchup comes in at a close second. The issue lies in the sugar content variation. When purchasing store brought brands, ketchup can be loaded with added sugars that impart extra sweetness which makes many crave and consume more than the recommended serving of one tablespoon. One recommendation is to ditch the store bought brands and make your own. There are a plethora of simple, super healthy recipes on the web from registered dietitians that have great flavor without the added sugar. Plu

What You Thought About Olive Oil Could be a Lie! Take a Look!

Olive oil is used in daily cooking across the country and for good reason. Olive oil is a versatile oil that can be delicious on its own or in a number of recipes. Choosing the right olive oil is often where we face a challenge. The numerous brands of olive oil out on the market bring with it confusion on which varieties are best to choose. Below we uncover the facts and myths of this beloved oil. MYTH: All olive oil brands are the same. It is easy to assume the quality of olive oil wouldn't vary much brand to brand, but this is a large concern when purchasing olive oil. Unfortunately, some oils labeled 100% olive oil may actually contain other oils that are less expensive to help cut cost. As of now, there are no strict guidelines on olive oil claims as there is with other food products. Be sure to research the brand and company that you purchase the olive oil from to ensure its quality. FACT: The color of the bottle will make the olive oil last longer. Another key

10 Common Habits That are Causing Damage to Your Teeth!

People of all ages, regardless of gender, are subjected to daily simple mannerisms and habits. All of which could be beneficial or detrimental to health. Let's take a look at some of these innate human quirks and beware! You might be already doing one or more, never knowing that they can damage your oral health. Chewing on Ice It’s natural and sugar free, so you might think ice is harmless. But munching on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth. And if your mindless chomping irritates the soft tissue inside a tooth, regular toothaches may follow. Hot foods and cold foods may trigger quick, sharp jabs of pain or a lingering toothache. Next time you get the urge for ice, chew some sugarless gum instead. Playing Sports With No Mouth Guard Whether you play football, hockey, or any other contact sport, don't get in the game without a mouth guard. This is a piece of molded plastic that protects the upper row of teeth. Without it, your teeth could get ch

8 Uncontrollable Body Quirks Revealed! You Could Be Any of These

Few sensations feel as weird as when your body decides to do its own thing. Muscle twitches, hiccups, and bloody noses out of the blue can make you wonder exactly who's in charge. Here, the reasons behind some of the strangest body behaviors—and when you should see a doc. 1. Random sharp pains You're minding your own business when suddenly it feels as if someone's stuck you with a pin. Then the feeling goes away, never to return. It's the hypochondriac's muse. Sharp pains that last for a second or two then go away are something we all experience from time to time and are usually benign. If the pain returns or increases in intensity, it's best to see a doctor. 2. Hiccups that make it hard to talk Chewing gum, drinking soda, and eating to excess can all trigger hiccups. What happens is that muscles in your upper chest suddenly contract and you take in air, then your voice box closes, creating the "hic" sound. Most hiccups go away on their

INFOGRAPHIC: What Beer And Coffee Does To Our Head?

Sure, you know how it feels when you've had a few too many coffees or beers. But what's going on in your brain—and how can you harness these magical beverages for maximum benefits? Check out this infographic from Ryoko Iwata's book Coffee Gives Me Superpowers to find out Source: Prevention

Trying to Slim Down? Let Go of the Negatives and Focus on the Food's Bright Sides!

Want to lose weight ? Stop worrying about what those French fries might do to your waistline and start focusing on the positive effects you'll get from a spinach salad. You're better off looking on food's bright side if you're trying to slim down. Researchers found that negative health messages worked primarily with health professionals like doctors or dietitians. For everyone else, positive health messages were more powerful. For example, telling yourself that, "This pizza will go straight to my thighs," won't motivate you as well as a statement like, "This green smoothie will give me energy." Why? Researchers say that gloom-and-doom messages about diet and food can feel like finger-wagging, which is more annoying than inspiring. They can even backfire: It's recently been discovered that 73% of overweight and obese people respond to fat shaming by eating more than they otherwise would. Health professionals, on the other hand, re

Do They Make You Fat or Not? The Debate About Nuts Continue!

For years, fats have been needlessly shunned from many diets, believing that calories from fat contribute to unhealthy weight gain. However, healthy fats are now considered a pillar of any balanced diet, with nuts paving the way into this new era. Fats in Nuts Besides being packed with protein, nuts are also an energy-dense source of various fats. While one ounce contains about 13-18g of fat, the fat in most nuts is primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Encouraged as part of a healthy diet, these fats have been linked to healthy cholesterol regulation as well as other health benefits. In addition, some nuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory effects to aid in lowering the risk of blood pressure. The fat profile of nuts will vary from one type to another, so including a variety of nuts in your diet will help to ensure that you have a good balance of healthy fats. For example, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and pecans are higher

These 3 Reasons Will Make Your Meal Skipping Plans Go Away!

It is rare to encounter someone who has never skipped a meal. Some simply don't have food available or don't have the time to eat when they're hungry. Others skip regularly, hoping that if they eat fewer meals, they'll take in less total calories and lose weight more successfully. Although the scientific research is conflicting in some regards to skipping meals, a few sound consequences have been supported. Zaps Your Energy Sugar is the fuel that our bodies run on. If it is not circulating in the right amounts, every organ within the body can be impacted. Skipping just one meal will result in a drop in your body's blood sugar levels. Or, in the case of skipping breakfast, your body loses an opportunity to even get out of the starting gate. Generally, you will feel tired and foggy. In addition, without a steady supply of nutrients, your intellectual and emotional functioning can also change, resulting in irritability, mood swings and brain fog. Going extend

Do You Know Your Tuna? WAIT! It Could be NOT Tuna at All!

Recent data shows that 59% of the tuna which Americans consume actually it is not real tuna. Should we believe this or not we will argue later in our article. Do you love sushi? The most common examples of mislabeling are found in sushi sold on the markets and in sushi restaurants. Research shows that more than one third of the fish samples from all across USA were mislabeled, 60% of the tuna was completely different fish, 74% of the fish samples in sushi restaurants were mislabeled. Here is the complete list of their investigation: 87% of fish sold as snapper was something else. Mislabeling was found in 27 of the 46 different fish types they tested. 59% of the tuna tested was not tuna. 84% of the white tuna sold in sushi places was not tuna it was actually escolar. (Here we must stress out that Escolar is a type of fish that can cause dangerous disgestive effects that includes oily anal leakage!) Grouper, Halibut, and red snapper had been substituted with king mack

WARNING! Substance Found in Toothpaste Can Cause Cancer?! Read More

There are thousands of toothpaste brands but if you are Colgate fan than you have to read this. Recent study showed that the wide world popular brand Colgate contains harmful substance which may cause cancer and many other bad diseases. This compound is known as Triclosan and it is widely used in deodorants, hand sanitizers, antiseptics and laundry detergents. Another study, conducted and published by the magazine Chemical research in toxicology, proved that this chemical, if used in great amounts, may lead to cancer.  Only one country in the world actually banned Triclosan and that is Canada. The problem with Triclosan is that it passes through the skin and goes in our bloodstream causing hormone misbalance. Despite all this proves and studies, Colgate still claims that this chemical is completely safe and tested. It is left to us to decide whether we trust them or not and if we will continue to use their toothpaste. Source: Healthy Food House

Feel Clean From Within With These TOXIN-REMOVING Veggies!

Poor diet can have a very bad effect on the ability of the body to eliminate the toxins. There are a lot of useful foods that help in the detoxification, and we present you five types of vegetables that are the most effective in the fight against the harmful substances that are accumulated in the body. Artichoke This vegetable contains a lot of silymarin, an antioxidant that helps the liver to process the harmful substances. You can eat artichokes that are boiled and soaked in a mixture of olive oil, sea salt, pepper, thyme and grated lemon peel. Beetroot In addition to the numerous healing ingredients, this vegetable contains iron and zinc. Beetroot helps the body to eliminate the toxins, and you can eat it grilled and add it in a salad or use the fresh vegetable to make a tasty side dish to the main course. Broccoli These green flowers do wonders for your body, and they are especially effective when it comes to detoxification. Choose your favorite way often to prep

Top 10 Sources of Calcium For STRONGER BONES (Aside From Milk and Dairy Products)

Contrary to the popular opinion, the calcium is contained not only in the dairy products! Calcium is an essential mineral that strengthens the bones and teeth, helps in the formation of the muscle mass and helps the work of the brain. In order to properly supply the body with the necessary minerals, you can enjoy the following foods. 1. White beans are a good source of calcium, so you can add them in salads, make a stew, or a spread like a humus. 2. Sardines are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and calcium. It is best to fry this cheap and available fish in minimum fat and eat it at least twice a week. 3. The dried figs are a great snack because they supply the body with the necessary amount of fibers, antioxidants and calcium. 4. Kale is a nutritional superfood with a high percentage of nutrients, including the calcium. You should eat it in combination with fish, or make healthy chips from it or different types of salad. 5. Reach for the almon

Try This Simple Wine Vinegar and Egg Recipe to Combat High Blood Pressure!

Worry and mental tension increases the adrenaline in the blood stream and this, in turn, causes the pressure of the blood to rise. High blood pressure is known as a silent killer because you can have it for years without knowing it, and then suddenly have a heart attack or stroke when you least expect it. Uncontrolled blood pressure can also cause organ damage, leading to increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. If you have a high blood pressure, it is best to be under a doctor’s supervision. The Recipe: Boil the egg hard just like for regular eating. Place the egg in a glass and pour it with wine vinegar – to cover the egg. It should stay in the vinegar for 24 hours. The crust will decompose and the egg interior will only remain coated with its zipper. Peel the zipper without washing the egg, after you take it out from the vinegar. Cut the egg into three equal parts and consume each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It should be consumed only one da

Wine is Good, and Here are 7 More Reasons to Love 'Em Even More!

The list of benefits of wine is really great though it should be consumed in small amounts. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of wine a day, anything more will have a negative impact on your health. If you are not a fan of wine, this writeup will completely change your opinion. Find out how wine can make your life better. But, do not overdo it, one cup is enough! Improves digestive system Experts believe that drinking wine is the best way to develop and maintain a healthy balance of the stomach, because it has a number of good bacteria. It will help the body to digest food more easily and it will protect you from diseases. It helps in burning calories Practice shows that people who drink wine regularly have less weight than those who rarely consume it. It has been proven that a glass of wine can make your body to burn calories in 90 minutes. Wine is an antioxidant According to surveys, wine contains powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins. Red wine, in particul

Here's Maybe Why Your Nose Keeps on Pumping Out Snot!

It’s a topic of conversation that many people aren’t keen on; however, it’s a very important bodily function. Mucus (also known as snot, phlegm and boogers) works as a lubricant, so to speak, for the body. The mouth, noise, sinuses, lungs, gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the throat all contain tissues that produce mucus. The mucus that these tissues create actually work to protect the surfaces of these parts of the body, thus preventing the tissues underneath them from becoming dried out. Mucus also works to prevent the body from becoming infected with viruses, bacteria and other germs. When something enters the body that shouldn’t with the intention of making an individual sick, the mucus traps the foreign pathogen, preventing it from entering the body and infiltrating the immune system. In other words, mucus prevents illnesses. Believe it or not, that gross, gooey and green stuff which seems to be produced by the boat load when you are sick is actually working to help you