
Showing posts from January, 2016

Two-Ingredient Gel That Can Treat Burns, Stretch Marks and Other Skin Problems

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of both aloe vera and coconut oil when used separately for all sorts of skin disorders, such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, irritated skin or just dry skin. Aloe vera and coconut oil are popular ingredients in commercial and DIY body lotions. They can be used on their own but have you thought about using both of them together at the same time? Aloe vera is a succulent plant, meaning its leaves hold large quantities of water, whereas coconut oil is pure oil, and we all know that water and oil don’t mix together. But you can use aloe vera gel, and not aloe vera juice, as well as whipped coconut oil so that its consistency holds the mixture together. Both aloe vera and coconut oil are excellent for your skin. Aloe Vera – Health Benefits Aloe Vera is a popular natural treatment for minor burns and sunburns. It can be used for soothing irritated skin and rashes. It improves stretch mark, age spots, acne and scars. It hydra

Study Reveals: This Herb Could Cure 5 Types of Cancer

Have you heard of moringa? This plant is causing quite the stir in the health community. Also known as drumstick or Malunggay, moringa trees are often used in South Indian delicacies for their unique taste and texture. The Moringa tree can be found in native parts of Africa and Asia and every part of this amazing tree such as the pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark are edible and rich in nutrients. There is no need to let any of it go to waste! So, what makes moringa so marvelous? Let’s compare moringa to some common healthy foods and products we consume to see what the big deal is regarding this plant: Moringa seeds produce edible oil known as Ben oil that is similar to olive oil nutrition wise. This oil is rich in antioxidants and, unlike many other oils, has an indefinite shelf life! Spinach has long been praised as a rich source of iron, but moringa leaves have three times more iron than spinach! There’s nothing like a cup of coffee to wake you up in the morning…

Remove Belly Fat and Lower Cholesterol With This Amazing Drink

Looking to shed some jiggle from your middle? Follow this natural and effective remedy to help YOU melt away belly fat. Ingredients: 3 lemons 2 cm root ginger 4 tsp honey 2 tsp cinnamon 4.5 oz of horseradish Preparation: Peel the ginger and horseradish and chop into fine pieces - blend together. Chop and adds lemons to the ginger/horseradish mix Add 4 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and blend well. Make sure all ingredients are mixed together well and then place in an airtight jar. Usage: Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. Take another tablespoon at night before going to bed. Repeat this dosage (2 times a day) for at least 3 weeks to see results.

Get Flat Abs in 7 Days With This Banana and Orange Drink

For any of us who have tried, we know that getting the body of our dreams takes some serious effort. Often, we find ourselves caught up in our day to day lives and many of our good habits start to disappear. We eat poorly, we skip the gym and before you know it, we’ve got a bit of a belly. Obviously diet and exercise are the answer, but we can’t be blamed for wanting a faster result that requires less effort! Made from easy to find ingredients, this all-natural beverage could help you diminish belly fat in just 7 days! The ‘magic’ ingredient is none other than bananas. Bananas can not only help to detoxify you, when combined with foods like flaxseed, they can even help reduce belly fat. Ingredients: 1 banana 1 orange 1/2 cup of low-fat yogurt 1 tablespoon of coconut oil a pinch of ginger, 2 tablespoons flax seeds 2 tablespoons of powdered whey Preparation: Blend the ingredients and drink right away.

Lose 3 lbs in Just 5 Days With This Lemon and Parsley Drink. Recipe Included.

The real miracle is to succeed in just 5 days to lose 3 pounds of weight. When you consider all the advantages and amazing benefits of lemon and parsley and when they merge together, the miracle seems logical and mostly true. Therefore, it is worth to try this magical weight loss drink. Ingredients: 1 tuft of parsley 1 lemon 1 cup of water Preparation: The parsley should be finely chopped, preferably in a blender. Drain the juice from the lemon and pour 1 cup of water. Consumption: Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach only for 5 days, and then make a break of 10 days. This juice helps in burning calories and at the same time nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals. Moreover, parsley improves digestion and throws out the excess fluids from the body. If you get tired of this juice with water, replace it with yogurt which facilitates and improves digestion, but make sure to select the ones that are 0% fat.

Health Benefits of Japanese Water Therapy

Drinking water is generally good for our health. Water is a great source of life and it is a necessary element for every cell and function in our body. There is no life without water. There have been scientific studies on the effects of drinking water for years. The latest discovery is the fantastic benefits that drinking water on an empty stomach does. It is even better if it is the first thing you do when you wake up. What is the Japanese water therapy? Japanese traditional medicine recommends drinking water just after waking up because of its natural health benefits. For decades, it is a well-known habit in Japan to drink water immediately after waking up every morning (on a empty stomach). For serious diseases as well as minor illnesses the water treatment has been found successful by the Japanese as 100% cure for many diseases. It is found to be a natural remedy in cases of: headache body ache heart problems arthritis fast heart beat epilepsy obesity bronch

Cleanse Your Liver, Melt Kidney Stones and Prevent Cancer With GINGER TEA

Ginger is a superfood. It possesses an amazing ability to enhance immunity, improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Ginger contains several essential oils that make up its distinct aroma and flavor: zingerone, shogaols, & gingerols. These oils are powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic agents. Ginger root promotes healthy digestion, boosts immunity, treats asthma, aids in cardiovascular health, relieves pain and much more. Ginger Tea Benefits Ginger is a very effective remedy for headaches, flu, common cold and even sore muscles. Due to ginger’s unique substances, it is able to naturally stop pain (preventing prostaglandins from setting off an inflammatory response in the body). Regular consumption of ginger tea strengthens the immune system. It contains great amounts of antioxidants that boosts immunity and helps fight off infections. Just one cup of tea a day will minimize your chances of stroke, as ginger helps break down fat deposit

How to Get Rid of Stomach Bloat

Everyone has experienced bloating at one time or another. That uncomfortable, gassy, feeling can leave us struggling to button our favorite pair of jeans. It can even lead to some embarrassing social situations. The following looks at common causes of bloat and what you can do to flatten your stomach and ease your discomfort. There is a misconception that bloat is caused by excess water weight. In an otherwise healthy individual, water retention is seen in the feet and ankles first. Excess intestinal gas is the real culprit behind bloat. The buildup of gas causes your stomach to feel full and distended. Your body will attempt to expel the gas through belching or flatulence. Bloating may cause your stomach to gurgle and can be quite painful. What Causes Bloating? Swallowing excess air by eating too fast, drinking through a straw, or chewing gum. Intolerance to foods such as dairy or gluten. Drinking carbonated beverages. Constipation caused by a lack of fiber. Gastrointe

Cleanse Your Body With This 2-Ingredient BREAKFAST ROUTINE

Here are some signs your body could be sending you NOW to alert you that you are in need of a deep clean: Frequent constipation or diarrhea Disturbed metabolism Diabetes or insulin resistance Excessive or insufficient weight Kidney disease and liver disease Hearing and vision issues Poor condition of skin, hair and nails Arthritis, cancer and other diseases If your body is communicating any of the symptoms above, giving this cleansing technique a try certainly couldn’t hurt! What You Need: Flaxseed Flour Benefits: Rich source of micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1 and the essential fatty acids… and many more benefits! Eating 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour: Cleans the colon and intestines from years of mucus buildup within three weeks. Normalizes body weight and helps burn fat. Absorbs and eliminates toxins in the body. Kefir Benefits: Antibacterial and antifungal properties Great source of calcium Regulates the immune syste

8 Reasons Why You Have a Fat Belly

A problem that many people are facing nowadays is bloating. But luckily it can be easily treated by determining the underlying cause. Not only that bloating causes uncomfortable feeling, it also makes women feel bad about their bodies and lack self confidence because they look bad aesthetically. 1. Food intolerance Some people think that food intolerances and food allergies are the same thing, but they are wrong. The difference between them is that food intolerance is postponed reaction to food, unlike food allergies that causes immediate itching, swelling or anaphylaxis. The most common food that can cause intolerance are eggs, nuts, gluten dairy, fruits like citrus, banana, pineapple. When you have food intolerance it causes inflammation on you digestive system and can irritate the intestinal tract which results in bloating. 2. Irregular meal-times Skipping meals is another reason for bloating. For example, when you skip breakfast and after that have a large portion of

Why You Should Not Reheat Eggs and 7 Other Foods

They say that that it's important to cook food thoroughly, particularly meat, to kill any harmful bacteria that may be present. But when it comes to reheating food, you must make sure it is steaming hot all the way through, and don't reheat food more than once. Here are eight foods you should take care to avoid reheating unless you want to book a day away from work - and in the bathroom instead. Celery It's a good one for soup, but when you are reheating it, take out celery. The nitrate contents of the vegetable can be a problem if you heat it for the second time, as the heat can cause it to turn toxic. Eggs Meals that contain eggs are generally fine to reheat as long as you make sure they're piping hot. But beware boiled or scrambled - reheating those bad boys can make you sick. Spinach Like celery, the nitrates which give it some goodness don't like being reheated and can have carcinogenic properties. if you've a