
Showing posts from September, 2016

Homemade Cough and Lung Inflammation Recipe: More Powerful Than Any Cough Syrup and Faster Acting

The majority of over-the-counter cough medicines contain Dextromethorphan or DXM. This ingredient has been used in cough medicines for years even though it can have harmful effects on our health. To be more concrete, it is so dangerous that it can become fatal for children and young adults. Namely, approximately 10% of children do not have the proper enzymes required to metabolize DXM effectively, which may lead to extremely dangerous consequences. Furthermore, it is one of the main reasons for emergency room visits and drug-related death in young adults. Experts from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration claim that children and infants under the age of two should never be given OTC (over-the-counter) cough and cold medicines, “because serious and potentially life-threatening side effects can occur.” Moreover, a study published in the journal of Pediatrics in July, 2004, gave devastating results. They discovered that neither dextromethorphan nor diphenhydramine wa

If You Smoke More Than 5 Years, This Recipe Will Save Your Lungs

Whether if you smoke or not, lung problems are common. However, the lung issues are worse in smokers, due to their damaged lungs. Fortunately, there is a natural recipe which can help you cleanse your lungs. Moreover, people who smoke for more than 5 years usually suffer from bronchitis and cough, and this same amazing remedy will be of great help in cleansing and revitalizing your lungs naturally. Ingredients : 1 small piece of ginger root 2 teaspoons turmeric 400 g garlic (cleaned and cut in 4 pieces) 400 g brown sugar Method of preparation : In a pot, heat the water and the brown sugar, until it starts boiling. Next, add the garlic and the ginger root, grated ginger and turmeric and wait until the mixture starts boiling. Then, lower the heat, and then leave it to cool at room temperature. Store the mixture in the fridge. Usage : Consume 2 tablespoons of this mixture the first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach and again 2 tablespoons in

Why You Should NEVER Smoke Right After Your Meal

Smokers always enjoy a cigarette after a meal. Tobacco is not recommended at any rate, but it’s especially dangerous after eating. According to studies, a cigarette after a meal is extremely dangerous, and it is damaging the whole body as if you smoke 10 cigarettes at once . The digestive system works on the whole body, and nicotine binds with oxygen in the blood, because then it’s more easily absorbed. Scientists warn that smoking after a meal dramatically increases the risk of bowel cancer and lung cancer. Smoke a cigarette, if you must, only 20 minutes after a meal! Also you must not eat fruit immediately after a meal. Fruits are usually processed in the body immediately, but only if you eat them separately, that’s why they are recommended as a snack. But if you eat them immediately after a meal, they will remain in the body because of the previously consumed food and would discharge toxins in the stomach which affect the creation of cellulite. So eat fruit

Healing Power of Honey and Water Combination for Healthy Lungs and Good Digestion

Honey provides a wide range of health benefits including protection against cancer, heart disease, ulcers, and it also provides antibacterial properties. In this article we will cover some of the benefits provided by honey water. Make your own honey water Heat your water until tepid and stir a teaspoon of honey in it. Be careful, your should always use a wooden spoon. The resulting liquid resembles blood plasma. Honey creates a cluster compound in the water and the powerful combination will give you a wide range of health benefits. What is even better, honey water is easily absorbed in the body. Healing powers of honey water Honey water regulates digestion and activates intestines. This combination is ideal for people with lazy bowel. It strengthens immunity, removes clots and aids in the treatment of bronchitis. Honey water also eliminates excess mucus from lungs. Drink it on a daily basis to eliminate parasites from your digestive tract, to stop internal ble

How to Make Garlic Syrup for Chest Infections

It’s well known that garlic is something of a superfood with a great many health benefits. Garlic is a vasodilator for one, which means that it helps to widen the blood vessels, thus aiding the flow of blood around the body and increasing energy, muscle growth and brain function. Then there’s the fact that garlic aids indigestion and that it contains a great number of different vitamins and minerals. Plus garlic is also a potent anti-bacterial and can kill off bugs as readily as scaring away vampires. This then also gives it a number of different specific uses for those willing to get a bit creative, including treating chest infections. Let’s look at how you might do that and at why it’s such an effective treatment. The Recipe To make this garlic syrup, you’re going to need: 1 cup of boiling water (around 250ml) 125g of garlic, peeled and sliced 1tbsp of crushed fennel seeds ¼ cup of vinegar (around 70ml) 250g of sugar Now take the boiling water and add

The Best Natural Way to Clear Your Lungs of Nicotine and Tar

When you smoke your lungs are filled with nicotine and tar. Everyone knows that cigarette smokers have a higher risk of getting lung cancer, developing COPD, and heart disease, as well as numerous other health problems. This is why you are told not to smoke. If you currently smoke or have recently quit smoking, there are several things that you can do in order to help repair the damage that has been done to your lungs. The first step if you are currently a smoker is to quit smoking as soon as possible. It is best to try to quit smoking as soon as possible as the way nicotine and tobacco smoke affect the lungs can be irreversible if you continue to smoke. Natural Ways to Clear Your Lungs of Nicotine and Tar Even if you do not quit smoking, there are several things that you can do in order to help naturally clear your lungs of the nicotine and tar that are caused by smoking. Consuming fresh organic corn can help protect you from lung cancer. Corn contains beta kryptoxanthi

Homemade Syrup for Expelling Mucus Out of the Lungs

There is nothing quite like having a cold that moves from your sinuses down into your lungs. We have all been there. It starts out with just a few simple sneezes and a runny nose and the next thing you know you feel like someone is sitting on your chest and you are coughing up all sorts of fun stuff. When you get a chest cold you are simply miserable. Having mucus in your lungs is quite unpleasant and makes breathing extremely difficult. While most of us will turn to the drug store to get our favorite cough syrup for some relief, there is actually syrup that you can make at home that will help you get the mucus out of your lungs so that you feel better sooner. This syrup can even be taken by children. Ingredients 1 tablespoon of marshmallow root 1 tablespoon of flaxseed 1 tablespoon of sage 1 lemon sliced A quart of filtered water A cup of pure maple syrup Directions Place the water in a saucepan and add in the maple syrup. Turn the stove on medium heat to

All-Natural "Cough Drops" Recipe, Also Relieves Cold and Flu (Video)

If you have hard time dealing with stubborn coughs, this homemade remedy will surely bring you soothing relief. Pharmaceutical solutions contain heavy chemicals and unfavorable ingredients, including flavors, coloring and additives. These easy-to-make drops are made of very few simple ingredients, like organic raw honey, water, lemon, honey, ginger, and cloves. This recipe requires just a few simple steps of preparation and it is a strong aid against terrible colds. If you do not like adding sugar to your preparations, feel free to skip it and head onto preparing this cough remedy. Natural Cough Drops Ingredients : 2 ½ cups filtered water 2 cups of organic honey Lemon Ginger Cloves The following video offers detailed instructions on how to make your own cough drops and relieve your condition. We hope that this handy recipe will help you and your family to ease any discomfort. Source: Healthy Food House Video: YouTube @DaveHax

2-Minute Exercise to Undo the Spinal Damage Caused by a Lifetime of Sitting (Video)

If you work for up to eight hours on your computer, make sure you stretch your back to prevent any health problems that may appear as a result of your sedentary lifestyle. Sitting mostly affects lower back, causing a huge pressure, which can later result in severe health problems. Watch the following video and perform these exercises on a daily basis. You will notice some improvement right away, and do not worry if you cannot stretch as professionals do. It may take some practice before being able to master in doing these exercises. Watch the video below. Source: Healthy Food House Video: The Huffington Post

Drink This Miracle Japanese Tea Daily to Burn Fat 4X Faster, Fight Cancer, Sky Rocket Energy and So Much More

Matcha tea is considered to be the strongest green tea powder out there. It originated in Japan, and people in the Far East have used it for thousands of years. This amazing tea is made from powdered young Camellia sinensis leaves. The delicate powder is stored safe from oxygen and light, in order to preserve its amazing color and high antioxidant content. A single cup of Matcha tea provides a wide range of health benefits. 1. Boosts metabolism Matcha tea boosts metabolism, and thus aids in losing pounds. A recent study has revealed that people who drink this tea on a daily basis actually lose weight 25% faster than people who do not drink it. It has no side effects, meaning you should not worry about your blood pressure or heart rate. 2. Fights cancer Matcha tea is packed with epigallocatechingallate, which is considered to be the most potent antioxidant. EGCG provide strong anti-cancer properties, and they also fight free radicals. This Japanese tea contains about hund

How to Naturally Get Rid of Eye Bags in a Few Days

Wrinkled eye bags and dark circles that seem like a falling shadow are sure a visual nightmare for each of us. Sometimes these occur in early childhood, and over time they are more visible. If you see a panda instead of yourself in the mirror, do not panic! It is not your identity, it is only those nasty dark circles around your eyes that appear as a result of too much partying or just working late. “You can tell the day by the morning” sure applies to this one. To have a nice kick-start in the morning and fresh looks, check the following tips and get rid of the bags under your eyes. What causes these “bags”? Dark circles are a sign that your body sends in an effort to show that there is something in your body that does not work properly. It is believed that these occur as a result of fatigue and insufficient sleep, which does not necessarily mean to be the case; there is a wide range of factors that trigger the occurrence of dark circles. In medical terms, dark circles

Burn Fat Like Crazy With This Magical Banana Drink! (Recipe)

Balanced diet and regular physical activity are of key importance when it comes to weight loss. Try this delicious banana smoothie that can help you to melt fat! It is healthy, delicious and fat burning, and it can replace a whole meal. Ingredients : 2.3 oz / 70 ml matcha tea (green tea that is used in Japanese tea ceremonies) 1 orange 1 banana  freshly squeezed lemon juice from 2 lemons 2-3 cm ginger Preparation : Blend all the ingredients together until smooth and creamy. Consume your banana smoothie instead of a regular meal. For optimal results, drink it after walking, cycling, workout or any other physical activity. Source: Healthy Food House

Aluminum Foil Treatment for Back & Joint Pain – Treatment of Russian & Chinese Healers

In this article we will explain more about aluminum foil and its healing properties which are commonly used by Chinese and Russian healers. “Practice has shown that aluminum foil can be used as a healing tool outside kitchen, where it should be used with an extreme caution.” If you struggle with pain in your neck, back, shoulders, knees and heels, simply wrap the area with some aluminum foil, and the pain will soon disappear. Bioflows that pass through our body in a biologically active point, reflect and return to meridians, where they first came from. This has positive effect on affected organs associated with the same meridian. In this way you can solve any health problem and relieve stubborn pain. This interesting healing method has been long practiced by Chinese and Russian healers, and it has been thoroughly explained in the books of Wilhelm Reich, a psychotherapist and student of S. Freud. How can aluminum foil heal you? Take a piece of aluminum foil, plac

Garlic Soup – 100x Stronger Than the Best Antibiotics in the Market

Garlic soup fights off flu, cold and even the Norovirus. It is made of garlic, onion, and thyme. Antibiotics are used more than ever, and this has affected their efficacy and even led to antibiotic resistance. This is why people turn back to nature and seek for natural remedies. Winter Norovirus, commonly known as winter vomiting bug, received a lot of attention in 2014. It is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, fever, stomach cramps, and headache. Unlike conventional antibiotics, garlic can fight off mutated viruses and infections. It is packed with allicin, which is most concentrated in garlic cloves. A study conducted at the Washington University has confirmed that garlic is more potent than 2 most commonly used antibiotics. Ingredients : 50 organic garlic cloves (5 garlic bulbs), cleaned and peeled 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp butter 2 large red onions, diced 1 tbsp fresh thyme, chopped 6 cups (250ml) chicken broth fresh or dried herbs, to taste (parsley, b

Face Mask Recipe for Wrinkles, Rosacea, Acne and Dark Circles Based on Turmeric

The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score showed that out of 159,277, turmeric is the fourth richest herb in antioxidants. It contains curcumin, which has the ability to prevent and relieve health conditions. Curcumin penetrates in cells and reduces free radical damage. Turmeric has strong antimicrobial, astringent, antioxidant, moisturizing and anti-aging properties. When combined with other ingredient it provides a long-term effect in reducing wrinkles. It also regulates the function of sebaceous glands, and thus helps people with oily skin. Turmeric nourishes and rejuvenates skin, and provides a healthy complexion. Turmeric face mask Ingredients : 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp organic yoghurt 1 tsp raw honey Preparation : Stir a teaspoon of turmeric powder into the yoghurt and add in honey. Apply the mask on your face and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. For optimal results, apply the mask 3-4 times a week.

The One-Day Diet: Cleanse Your Body While Losing Weight!

Green tea is amazing for your health, but how much do you actually know about the “tea diet” which consists basically of green tea? Tea diet is quite popular, especially among people who try to maintain normal weight. The combination of almond milk and green tea cleans the body of toxins and waste material. Tea diet lasts for a day and it will help you lose 4 pounds and eliminate excess fluids. But, remember, you should go on tea diet twice a month only. It is not recommended for individuals who deal with kidney disease, milk allergy, low blood pressure and gallbladder problems. Make sure you consult your doctor for any chronic diseases. You need 2 tablespoons of green tea and 1.5 liter of almond milk. Always buy your green tea from specialized healthy food stores, and avoid tea bags, because they do not provide the same effect. Warm the almond milk to 60 C  (140F) degrees. Remember, it should be hot, but not too hot. Add 2 tablespoons of green tea. Cover and let it