
Showing posts from May, 2015

Are You An Avid Coffee Drinker? Read These SURPRISING Facts About This Caffeine-Laced Drink

You’ve been trying to improve your health, and that means you have been eating better, drinking less, getting more exercise, and even cutting back on the amount of coffee you are consuming. Wait a moment though… is coffee really bad for you? Or is coffee healthy? The research is in, and it turns out - coffee is good for your healthy lifestyle, after all. Studies Show Coffee is Not a Danger to Health A Harvard study conducted on 130,000 study volunteers looked at the effect of coffee on health. Researchers could not find any relationship between coffee consumption and increased risk of death from any cause (including cancer or cardiovascular disease). The evidence from this study suggests that drinking coffee, even as much as six cups per day, does not pose any serious threats to the health of the general population. The Health Benefits of Coffee Coffee even offers specific health benefits. According to the , studies have shown that coffee may improve co

How Often Do You Take Vitamins? This REVEALING Piece Will Make You Think Twice Before Taking One

From 1985 to 1995 a group of doctors set out to test a theory—that high doses of beta-carotene and retinol, two A vitamins with cancer-fighting properties, could greatly reduce our risk of getting cancer. They put study participants on 30 milligrams of beta-carotene and 25,000 International Units (IU) of retinol each day. But instead of turning their bodies into cancer-fighting machines, the vitamins actually caused some participants to get cancer. The doctors stopped the trial nearly two years early because of the results. "We should step back and ask ourselves whether there might be a lesson to take from this sad experience of actually causing cancer with high vitamin intake," says Tim Byers, MD, professor of epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health. Byers, one of the original researchers in the trial, recently led a forum at the American Association for Cancer Research reviewing this and other studies that all found increased cancer risk with vitamin o

Can't Go to The Gym? Stretch Your Legs and Begin Running! You'll Be Surprised What This Simple Exercise Can Do

Scientists believe that running is the fountain of youth. It improves overall health, heart function, bone health and burns calories. But, running is not that simple – you need a good motivation. Here are some reasons to run more often. 1. You will feel much better Regardless of your mood, running will make you feel much better. It stimulated the production of endocannabinoids. A 2006 research found that running for 30 minutes improves mood in people who deal with depression. If you have not run before, start with walking or jogging. 2. You will look good Running burns calories, aids in weight loss, but what many people do not know is that it burns calories even when you stop running. 3. Healthy skin complexion Believe it or not, sweating cleans dirt from pores. It also keeps you fresh and healthy. 4. Perfect body line Running not only burns calories but also tones your body and tightens your legs and stomach. 5. Stronger knees Many people believe that ru

Don't Be Choosy! Eating Bananas With Dark Spots is Good For You!

If you enjoy the company of bananas, then you should be really careful next time you decide to buy some. They are so delicious that rarely anyone can resist them, but there is one thing you must be aware of before buying these tropical flavor fruits. The fully ripe banana produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal cells. As the banana ripens, it develops dark spots or patches on the skin. The more dark patches it has, the higher will be its’ immunity enhancement quality . Hence the Japanese love bananas for a good reason. According to a Japanese scientific research, banana contains TNF which has anti-cancer properties. This substance, according to their study, helps to increase the immune system capacity. The conclusion of the study was that eating those ripe bananas may just prevent certain lifestyle-related diseases and carcinogenesis. The degree of anti-cancer effect corresponds to the degree of ripeness of the fruit,

Forget About Meds! Garlic on an Empty Stomach is the Best!

People run away from garlic like vampires, but little do they know how powerful medicine garlic can be. It can miraculously heal and protect your body from various bacteria and diseases, while stimulating the immune system and normalizing your gut flora. People living on the country side use garlic as the first aid choice when they get sick or when they just want to use it as a preventive measure. They never question its powers and never turn away from its smell, because they know how wonderful it is. The best way to make full use of the garlic’s power is to eat it on an empty stomach. This way you can prevent and treat many diseases on a more effective level. Scientists have found that this way you actually increase its powerful antibiotic properties. Forget about Antibiotics Garlic is good for fighting fungal infections, colds, flues and all sorts of diseases that people treat with the help of modern medicine. When you crush or grind a garlic clove, a phytoncide forms c

Hot Water Gone Cold? WAIT! Reboiling It May Cause Even More Harm!

What happens to water when we reboil it? It’s something they never taught us in chemistry class, but really should have. When we boil water, the chemistry of it changes, which is usually a good thing as it boils out volatile compounds and dissolves gases. This is why boiling water mostly ensures that it’s safe to drink. If water is left boiled too long or is reboiled, the chemical compounds change for the worst. By leaving your water to boil down, you’re actually concentrating many harmful chemicals instead of getting rid of them. The same thing happens when you reboil water, as the compounds concentrate and increase the risk of ingesting certain chemicals. These chemicals could include arsenic, nitrates, and fluoride. Even the minerals that are healthy for us can become dangerous when concentrated, such as calcium salt which can lead to kidney stones and gallstones when taken excessively. The Destructive Effects of Reboiled Water 1. Arsenic “Drinking-water poses th

READ ON: Decoding Poop's Facts And Fallacies

As an infamous children's book puts it, everyone poops. But we hardly ever talk about it. When was the last time you sat down and talked to a friend—or even your doctor—about what your poop looks like, smells like, or even sounds like? If you're like most people, the answer is never. That silence hasn't just left us in the dark about our toilet-time activities, it's also allowed for some pretty pervasive (and mostly untrue) myths about what makes a "healthy" poo. We consulted to a poopologist (okay, a gastroenterologist) to decode those crappy myths. Here, everything you never wanted to know about poop. Myth: Healthy people poop once a day This is the myth that won't die, despite a total lack of scientific evidence supporting it. At the end of the day, we define anything less than three times a week as abnormal. But any pattern can be healthy as long as your frequency doesn't impact your quality of life. Myth: It's bad to hold your

Habitual Meal Skipper? You May Not be Helping Your Cause at All!

We are all sometimes tempted by what we perceive to be a shortcut, only to realize we in fact took a detour. In their attempts to lose weight quickly, many people turn to fasting. But skipping meals is no time saver. When done a few times, it doesn’t present a big problem. However, when it becomes a habit or a part of a dieting strategy, it can have long-term effects on the body and even contribute to the development of some chronic conditions. Moreover, by skipping meals, you don’t get any closer to developing a healthy-looking body. In fact, doing it might make it even harder for you to get rid of the extra weight. Skipping Meals Causes Blood Sugar Rollercoaster When you skip a meal, you don’t supply your body with the fuel it runs on. Consequently, your blood sugar levels drop and the body experiences a shortage of energy. Glucose (sugar) is something that all our organs need for normal functioning and it is very important for optimal brain activity. Within four to six ho

Eating Fish May Not be Healthy at All. It Could Even be Harmful!

We are usually told that fish is good for us – it’s a low fat, high protein food, and it contains an abundance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that our body needs. This might be true, but it all depends on the source of the fish on your plate. Tilapia is one of America’s most popular fish. According to the National Fisheries Institute, this freshwater fish has become the fourth most eaten seafood in the US. It turns out tilapia is always farm-raised, and often imported from China. Eating it might cause you more harm than good. And the same goes for many other farmed fish, such as salmon , cod , sea bass , and catfish . The Dangers of Farmed Fish Farmed tilapia has a high inflammatory potential, which could lead to heart disease, asthma, and joint problems. In fact, researchers from Wake Forest University have found that tilapia has higher inflammatory potential than that of a hamburger or pork bacon. Farmed tilapia contains far less omega-3 fatty acids than some othe