Exactly How Clean are Your Hands After Washing?

Are you sure that your hands are perfectly clean because you wash them well? It is likely that you do it in a completely wrong way.

Effective hand washing is important, since there are pretty dangerous bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, MRSA staph and some viruses like influenza on them.

However, what can be defined as a good hand washing? Is it recommended to rub them for at least 30 seconds?

Jenny Ag decided to put different types of washing hands under UV light and look in detail which method is most appropriate and leaves least bacteria.

Many of us often hastily wash hands with water and shake, but this way of washing leaves a lot of bacteria.

The most common are fecal bacteria. This method of washing hands is especially practiced in dirty public toilets or the whole process of washing the hands is avoided, because you feel that you will get more bacteria than you can remove, but in fact, the opposite is the case. It was necessary to wash your hands in those cases.

6 seconds washing the hands without soap

The average duration of hand washing is 6 seconds, but it is not effective at removing bacteria.
Scientists recommend at least 15 seconds towash the hands.

It is important to wash the fingers well too, not just the major parts of the hands. 

6 seconds washing using soap

The most important aspect when washing the hands is the use of soap. “As long as you use soap, you get to remove the majority of bacteria on your hands” -- argued Dr. Curtis.

Soap does not kill bacteria, but it removes them from your skin, and precisely due to this fact, there is no difference whether you use an ordinary or antibacterial soap.

15 seconds using soap

The longer you wash your hands, the smaller the area where bacteria are located.

30 seconds using soap

According to most studies, washing the hands for 30 seconds is enough to reliably get rid of the most damaging bacteria.

Which is better – to use a towel or to use a hairdryer to dry your hands?

The opinions are divided on this issue, but one thing is important -- it is necessary to completely dry the hands, because most germs are easily passed on to wet surfaces, ie, to insufficiently dried hands.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Good Morning Center

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