This Potato Diet is Simply Amazing: In Only 3 Days You Can Lose Up to 5 Kg!

The main ingredient of the potato diet, as you can conclude is the potato. This diet also includes low-fat yogurt. Now all you have to do is follow these simple instructions, because if you do so you can lose 3-5 pounds in just three days.

This diet is held only three days and may be repeated up to two times in a row.

Day 1

Breakfast: One boiled potato without salt and a cup of yogurt.
Lunch: Two boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt.
Dinner: 2 cups of yogurt.

Day 2

Breakfast: A cup of yogurt.
Lunch: Two boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt.
Dinner: One boiled potato without salt and a cup of yogurt.

Day 3

Breakfast: One boiled potato without salt.
Lunch: One boiled potatoes without salt and a cup of yogurt.
Dinner: A cup of yogurt.

At this point you need to know that only 100 grams of potato have around 75 calories, which is less than a cup of orange juice. On the other hand the yogurt regulates the digestive system, removes the excess water and toxins from the body.

Stay healthy and positive! Share and make your loved ones aware!

Source: Your Stylish Life

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