Sweeteners In Your Coffee Could Be Wrecking Your Health!

Do you add Splenda (sucralose) in your morning coffee? Well, if you answer is yes, then you should stop immediately! A recent study links sucralose, sold as Splenda, to significantly increased risk for leukemia, as well as overall risk for cancer. This study, published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, has discovered that mice who were given large amounts of sucralose throughout their lives, developed leukemia and cancerous tumors.

How Much Splenda is Too Much?

Note: You should know that the doses of sucralose used in the study were roughly equal to 10 cans of diet soda per day. Yes, we know that nobody really drinks that much, but the real and ugly truth is that this artificial sweetener is found in over 4,500 foods and beverages. It’s not hard to see how eating a lot of processed foods could increase your risks. And don’t go thinking that eating just a little bit of it every day is fine.

Lisa Lefferts, MSPH, senior scientist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) says that his means that even if you consume less, that doesn’t mean there’s no problem. She also says that when something causes cancer at high doses, it generally causes cancer at lower doses, the risk is just smaller. This means that you should stop consuming foods and drinks that contain sucralose. And yes, you should stop adding Splenda into your morning coffee. The best thing you can do is to quit artificial sweeteners

Even if you disregard this new study, there are still plenty of other reasons to quit using sucralose or aspartame.
  • Artificial sweeteners may actually cause weight gain, not weight loss.
  • Diet soda linked to increased belly fat.
  • Every can of diet soda you consume increases your obesity risk.
  • Sucralose disrupts your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Foods to Use As Sweetener Instead
  • raw honey
  • fruits (dates, bananas, apples, etc.)
  • sweet vegetables (carrots, beets, caramelized onions, etc.)
  • maple syrup

Source: Healthy Food House

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