Lose 3 lbs in Just 5 Days With This Lemon and Parsley Drink. Recipe Included.

The real miracle is to succeed in just 5 days to lose 3 pounds of weight.

When you consider all the advantages and amazing benefits of lemon and parsley and when they merge together, the miracle seems logical and mostly true.

Therefore, it is worth to try this magical weight loss drink.


  • 1 tuft of parsley
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of water


  1. The parsley should be finely chopped, preferably in a blender. Drain the juice from the lemon and pour 1 cup of water.


  1. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach only for 5 days, and then make a break of 10 days. This juice helps in burning calories and at the same time nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals. Moreover, parsley improves digestion and throws out the excess fluids from the body.
  2. If you get tired of this juice with water, replace it with yogurt which facilitates and improves digestion, but make sure to select the ones that are 0% fat.

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