Try This Simple Wine Vinegar and Egg Recipe to Combat High Blood Pressure!

Worry and mental tension increases the adrenaline in the blood stream and this, in turn, causes the pressure of the blood to rise. High blood pressure is known as a silent killer because you can have it for years without knowing it, and then suddenly have a heart attack or stroke when you least expect it. Uncontrolled blood pressure can also cause organ damage, leading to increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. If you have a high blood pressure, it is best to be under a doctor’s supervision.

The Recipe:
  • Boil the egg hard just like for regular eating.
  • Place the egg in a glass and pour it with wine vinegar – to cover the egg.
  • It should stay in the vinegar for 24 hours.
  • The crust will decompose and the egg interior will only remain coated with its zipper.
  • Peel the zipper without washing the egg, after you take it out from the vinegar.
  • Cut the egg into three equal parts and consume each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • It should be consumed only one day. This procedure can be repeated after eight months.

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